Latest laws


Part V: The Legislative Framework for the Judicary

Decision No. 32 of 1999

Decision No. 32 of 1999

The Chairman of the Palestine Liberation Organisation,

The President of the Palestinian National Authority,

Based upon the powers bestowed upon me, and

In accomplishment of the public interest,

I hereby promulgate the following decision:

Article 1

Advisor Khaled Abdul Hadi Al-Qidrah shall be appointed as Attorney-General for the Courts of State Security.

Article 2

The Prosecution of the State Security shall be competent of the investigation as well as the filing and commencing of a criminal action in the cases over which the High Court of State Security and Partial Courts composed of military judges have jurisdiction, pursuant to the Palestinian laws in force in the territories of the homeland and of which they are assigned by His Excellency, the President of the State.

Article 3

This decision shall enter into force as of the date of its promulgation, and all competent authorities, each one within its sphere of jurisdiction, shall enforce it.

Issued in the city of Gaza on 1 November, 1999 AD.

Yasser Arafat

Chairman of the Palestine Liberation Organisation

President of the Palestinian National Authority

Text Type:Decision
Text number:32
Text date:1999-11-01
Institution:President of the Palestinian National Authority
Gazette number:31
Gazette date:1999-12-13
Gazette pages:26 - 26

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