Latest laws


Part II: The Legislative Framework for Executive Management and Legislative Oversight

Decision of the Council of Ministers No. 100 of 2004 Concerning the Formation of a Standing Ministerial Committee on Security Affairs

Decision of the Council of Ministers No. 100 of 2004 Concerning the Formation of a Standing Ministerial Committee on Security Affairs

The Council of Ministers,

Having reviewed the Bylaw of the Council of Ministers, particularly Article 25 thereof,

Having reviewed the Prime Minister’s presentation, and

Based upon the approval of the Council of Ministers under No. 1/35 during its session in the city of Ramallah on 3 August, 2004,

hereby decides the following:

Article 1

A ‘Standing Ministerial Committee on Security Affairs’ shall be composed of the Minister of the Interior (as rapporteur), as well as the Minister of Negotiations Affairs, the Minister of Agriculture, the Minister of Communications and Information Technology, the Minister of Public Works and Housing, the Minister of the Youth and Sports, and the Secretary-General of the Council of Ministers.

Article 2

All competent authorities, each one within its sphere of jurisdiction, shall implement the provisions of this decision, which shall enter into force as of the date of its promulgation and shall be published in the Official Gazette.

Issued in the city of Ramallah on 3 August, 2004 AD, corresponding to 17 Jumad Akhar 1425 AH.

Ahmed Qurei’

Chairman of the Council of Ministers

Text Type:Decision
Text number:100
Text date:2004-08-03
Institution:Chairman of the Council of Ministers (Prime Minister)
Gazette number:52
Gazette date:2005-01-18
Gazette pages:234 - 234

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